June 21, 2022 Regular Meeting
The Santee School District Board of Education met at 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 21. Meeting highlights included:
Reports and Presentations
- Vice President Dianne El-Hajj shared an SSD Proud Moment on behalf of President Elana Levens-Craig, highlighting the incredible work our staff and students did to make this last school year such a success. Read the full blog here.
Public Hearings
- The Board held a public hearing to review the proposed use of funds from the Education Protection Account (EPA). The EPA is a state account where Proposition 30 revenues are deposited and school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools (LEAs) will receive funds from the EPA based on their proportionate share of the statewide revenue limit amount, which includes charter school general purpose funding.
The Santee School District estimates that it will receive $12,360,734 in EPA funds for the 2022-23 fiscal year. Refer to the Board Packet (page 16) for a breakdown of expenditures.
- A public hearing was held to review proposed increases to Level 1 Developer Fees.
The State Allocation Board (SAB) revises the Level 1 fee every other year. In February 2022, the SAB increased the statutory Level 1 fees for residential and commercial developments to $4.79 per square foot and $0.78 per square foot, respectively. In order for the District to levy the revised fee, it must prepare a Fee Justification Study, conduct a public hearing, and adopt the new fees. A Fee Justification Study was completed in June 2022. The District shares the Level 1 fee with Grossmont in a 62% Santee/38% Grossmont sharing arrangement. The District can begin levying the new Level 1 fee 60 days after Board adoption.
A summary of proposed fee levels and more information can be found in the Board Packet (pages 17-18).
- A public hearing was held for the Classified School Employees Association and its Chapter #557 (CSEA) initial proposal to modify articles of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Santee School District and CSEA. Changes were proposed for the following articles:
o Article 13 Layoff, Reemployment, Involuntary Reduction in Hours and the Impacts & Effects of Such Matters
o Article 14 Holidays
o Article 16 Transfers
o Article 18 Leave Provisions
o Article 19 Compensation
o Article 20 Health & Welfare
o Article 24 Term
Discussion and Action Items
- The Board approved the appointment of Ms. Monica Farren as a vice principal in Santee School District, serving at Hill Creek School. Ms. Farren has been serving Lakeside Union School District since 2007, most recently as a Flex Lead Teacher at Lakeside Union Flex School, and prior to that as a K-8 multiple subject teacher at Albert Einstein Academy Charter Middle School. Ms. Farren holds a Master of Education in Curriculum Design from the University of San Diego.
- Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Stephanie Pierce, shared information on the 2022-23 California Schools Dashboard. The California School Dashboard provides parents and educators with information on school and district progress on local indicators beyond test scores alone. The California School Dashboard provides a more complete picture of how schools and districts are meeting the needs of all students.
The standards approved by the State Board of Education require the District to:
o Annually measure its progress on the local performance indicator based on locally
available data.
o Report the results at the same regularly scheduled public meeting of the local governing board as the adopted Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).
o Report the results to the public through the California Schools Dashboard when it becomes available in the fall.
Using the approved self-reflection tools for each local indicator in the Dashboard, the District achieved a rating of “Standard Met” for each area.
- The Board adopted the second year of the Three-Year Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) for 2022-23. The District’s final LCAP for 2022-2023 contains 3 Goals and 21 Action Steps, 1 for the Core Program and 20 for supplemental services. Two of the Supplemental Action Steps are targeted specifically to unduplicated count students. The LCAP Action Steps represent the commitment of $88,679,000 in 2022-23 within a $89,546,235 General Fund budget.
The draft LCAP for 2022-23 incorporates the Local Control Funding Formula Budget Overview for parents, supplement to the Annual Update to the 2021-22 LCAP, and the 2022-23 LCAP, all of which are available for review on the LCAP webpage.
- Assistant Superintendent, Karl Christensen, presented the proposed 2022-23 Budget, based on the Governor’s May Revise proposal. The Board adopted the proposed budget, with the understanding that revisions to the budget will be brought back to the Board periodically throughout the year as the State’s budget is adopted and assumptions or expenditures change.
Administration will provide the Board and the community with a user-friendly version of the budget in addition to the required State SACS (Standardized Account Code Structure) document in order to promote more readability and understanding. The adopted budget can be found here.
Board Policies and Bylaws
- A second reading was held for the revisions to Board Policies BP 9270 – Conflict of Interest (Biennial Review) and BP/AR 4119.2 – Professional Adult to Student Boundaries.
BP 9270 – Conflict of Interest (Biennial Review) was adopted.
The Santee Teachers Association (STA) presented its recommended revisions to BP/AR 4119.2. The Board directed staff to incorporate the recommendations and bring the policy back for a third reading at the July 19, 2022, regular board meeting.
- The Board held a first reading for revisions to Board Policy 3515.1 – Safety During School Hours – Securing Gates. The revisions set policy for gates at school campuses to be locked and secured from the start of each school day through student dismissal. The second reading will be held at the July 19, 2022, regular board meeting.
The next meeting of the Santee School District Board of Education will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 19, 2022, in the Educational Resource Center, 9619 Cuyamaca, Santee.
Note: These are not official meeting minutes of the Board of Education but rather a brief recap of the Board’s actions. For official meeting minutes and a complete list of actions taken, visit bit.ly/3gejSgf.