The Governing Board believes that school facilities and grounds are a vital community resource which should be used to foster community involvement and development. Therefore, the Board authorizes the use of school facilities by district residents and community groups for purposes specified in the Civic Center Act to the extent that such use does not interfere with school activities or other school-related uses.
The Superintendent or designee shall give priority to school-related activities in the use of school facilities and grounds. Other uses authorized under the Civic Center Act shall be on a first-come, first-served basis and in accordance with Board Policy 1330 and Administrative Regulation 1330.
Organizations using school facilities under the provisions of this policy shall be liable for any damage caused by the activity. Any group using school facilities shall be liable for any injuries resulting from its negligence during such use. The group shall bear the cost of insuring against this risk and defending itself against claims arising from this risk and all organizations using facilities under the Civic Center Act shall be required to include the District as an additional insured on their policies.
Entities that do not currently have liability insurance may obtain event insurance. Event insurance purchasing instructions may be viewed by clicking the link below.
Use of Facilities Application
Use of Facilities Fee Schedule (effective 1-1-2020)
Event Insurance Purchasing Instructions