Typing Agent & Typing Club

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Typing Club

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copy and paste the link below:

Welcome to our Typing Club for The Alternative School Members!
*** Typing App on iPads!
Typing Agent

**Student Log in: DreamBox usr name and password (except you MUST capitalize the first letter of the password!!!)

Or you can still use our other typing program:
We are now in our sixth year of the Typing Club. We have a new program. Thank you students and families for your attendance and passion to learn to type!

Typing Goals:
* Learn to type using all fingers on the home row keys.
*Finger placement and hand placement is proper.
*Posture is egronomically correct.
*Familiarity with all keys.
*Rhythm is consistent. Mimimize errors. Increase speed.
Accomplishing all these goals will enable students to more easily type their essays to the writing teacher and prepare for future typing needed to complete assignments.
***New Criteria!!! All tests will score a petal on the Typing Club bulletin board when the tests have 5 errors or less. You may take the test as many times as you wish. There is no limit! Have fun and remember to use the typing goals above.

Typing Club Information!

1. "Alternative 2019-2020" is our Class Code
2. Type your Usr. Name first initial last name (no spaces) and Psw. birthdate 8 digits
3. Have fun learning to type!