SSD Proud Moment Nov. 15, 2022

Proud Moments at Carlton Oaks
By Dr. Nona Richard, Principal
We have had many proud moments in the past month at Carlton Oaks!
During the week of October 24-28, we celebrated Red Ribbon Week. We had an assembly with the Police and Fire departments; six different dress up days; and took a pledge to make healthy choices and Say No to Drugs!
During the first week of November, our 8th graders performed A Pirate Carol for our school and families.
On Saturday, November 5, we hosted our Fall Festival for the first time since 2019. It was a blast!
We also have been loving our Arts Attack Program, which reopened at the beginning of October. So many parents are volunteering to make this possible.
There is a lot to be proud about at Carlton Oaks.