Sep. 20, 2022 Board Meeting Highlights

The Santee School District Board of Education met at 6 p.m. Tuesday, September 20. Meeting highlights included:
Reports and Presentations
- This week’s Proud Moment highlighted the efforts of our Alternative School and Santee Success Program staff to build a culture of community at the Cajon Park Annex. Read President Elana Levens-Craig full blog here.
- The Board recognized Pathways Community Church and Sonrise Church for their efforts to make School Beautification Day a success. View Pathway’s video recap of the event here.
- Volunteers from the Santee Mobile Home Action Committee and Buddy’s Backpack Drive were acknowledged for their hard work in collecting and distributing 900 backpacks to East County students. This annual event ensures that every student is prepared for their first day of school, and the Board thanked the community for donations of their time and resources.
Consent Items
- The Board declared the week of October 10 – 14, 2022, as Week of the School Administrator, to commend school site leadership for the contributions they make to successful student achievement, and also as National School Lunch Week to highlight the importance of a healthy school lunch in a child’s life and in the classroom.
Discussion and Action Items
- The Board of Education granted tenure to select eligible certificated employees, effective after the end of their first day of work in the 2022 - 2023 school year. Each of the individuals has worked two (2) years as required by Education Code and have demonstrated quality instructional service as assessed by each principal responsible. Granting tenure allows the District to maintain qualified employees and enhance student learning. The list of employees can be found in the Board Meeting Packet.
- Santee School District and Classified School Employees Association (CSEA) and its Chapter #557 have reached a Tentative Agreement for the 2021-2022 school year concerning the following Article:
o Article 20, Health and Welfare Benefits
CSEA membership ratified the tentative agreement on September 8, 2022. The negotiated language for each article is in the Board Meeting Packet and represents the agreed upon language changes. The fiscal impact of Article 20, Health and Welfare Benefits is represented below:
o Increase the District contribution for employees who work 30 – 40 hours per week to $12,000 annually
o Increase the District contribution for employees who work 20 – 29.9 hours per week to $10,200 annually
- The Board approved an increase to the health benefit contribution for Confidential/Management employees:
o Increase the District contribution for employees from $7,200 annually to $12,000 annually
Increasing the contribution of employee health benefits will aide in the recruitment and retention of quality staff. The increase to the contribution is effective for the September 2022 pay warrant.
- The Board approved the Superintendent’s Board Advisory Committee assignments and appointed selected applicants to fill vacancies. The appointees represent a variance of schools throughout the District. A full list of committee assignments can be found in the Board Meeting Packet. A second round of recommendations will be presented at the October 18, 2022, Regular Board Meeting to fill additional vacancies.
- The Board adopted Resolution #2223-03 and Certification of the Statement of Assurance to serve as assurance to the Superintendent of Public Instruction that the Santee Board of Education has complied with the requirements of Education Code Section 60119.
Education Code Section 60119 requires that a district hold a public hearing and determine through a board resolution as to whether each pupil in the district has, or will have prior to the end of the fiscal year, sufficient textbooks and/or instructional materials in each subject that are consistent with the content and cycles of the curriculum framework adopted by the State Board. The public hearing was held earlier in the meeting to allow for public comment. This requirement has been certified each year since 1998.
- The Board adopted the below Board Policies, which were revised to conform with California School Board Association language:
o Revised BP 3515 – Campus Security
o New AR 3515 – Campus Security
o Revised BP 6173 – Education for Homeless Children
The next meeting of the Santee School District Board of Education will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, October 18, 2022, in the Educational Resource Center, 9619 Cuyamaca, Santee.
Note: These are not official meeting minutes of the Board of Education but rather a brief recap of the Board’s actions. For official meeting minutes and a complete list of actions taken, visit