Quick User Guide (Teacher)
The Schoolmessenger App enable teachers to communicate and engage parents/guardians of their students. The App also allow teachers to create ad hoc groups for group messaging.
Download the App and Sign Up with your District Email.
Instead of the mobile app, teachers can also use the web-based app at www.go.schoolmessenger.com
Under the App MENU |
Messages |
This is the screen for all messages. Teacher can create messages from this screen.
There are 3 types of Messages:
Private (Me, Privately) - Comments and replies to message can only be read by the message originator
Public (everyone in the conversation) - Comments and replies to message can be read by all message recipients
No Comments/Reply - Comments and replies to message are not allowed.
Note: If you want to reply privately to a parent in the group message, you must create a new message thread with only that parent as the recipient. Do Not Reply through the Group Message.
Manage Groups |
Rostered Group - these are Group based on your SECTIONS. The Group will list the parents/guardians of the students in your Section. Parents/Guardians are UNREGISTERED until they sign up for the SchoolMessenger App.
Un-Rostered (Ad Hoc) Group - These are Group that a teacher can create and invite Registered Users (Parents and Staff) to join with the Group Access Code.
Join Group |
You can join a Un-Rostered (Ad Hoc) Group using the Group Access Code that has been provided to you. |
See the How to.. webpage for quick guide to creating message and ad-hoc groups.
For more instructions and information, please see the attached User Guide.
Teacher User Guide (Mobile)
Teacher User Guide (Web Portal)