Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs)
Standards for Mathematical Practice
Wondering what these standards look like for your grade level? Click on the section below from your framework for examples!
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
Progression of the Standards through the grade levels
Questions and SMPs: this resource provides question prompts to use for each Standard for Mathematical Practice. These questions can be used to facilitate deeper class discussions, to introduce new concepts, to reflect on student learning, and to elicit explanations of student thinking during mathematical tasks.
Classroom Indicators
Observation Checklist
The website explains the Standards for Mathematical Practice more in depth and has video examples of students putting the Standards into action. Click here for the overview and a video for all 8 Standards.
Venn Diagram connecting Math, Science/Engineering, and ELA Practices
Table of Practices in Mathematics, Science, and English Language Arts