Understanding the CAASPP Student Score Reports
Guides for parent or guardian to help interpret the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) student score report.
These guides are a one-page resource for parents and guardians to help understand the student score reports. These guides are available in English, Spanish, Armenian (Eastern), Chinese (simplified and traditional), Hmong, Korean, Pilipino (Tagalog), Punjabi, Russian, and Vietnamese.
CAASPP Frequently Asked Questions
Common questions and answers to help California educators communicate about the Smarter Balanced Assessment System with students, parents, the media, local school boards, and the general public.
CAASPP Practice and Training Tests
This link accesses both the Practice and Training Tests portal. The Practice Tests provide students with grade-specific testing experiences that are similar in structure and format to the Summative Assessments. The Training Tests provide students with the opportunity to quickly become familiar with the software and interface features. The Training Tests are organized by grade-bands (e.g., 3-5).