
Our department goal is to provide resources and assessment support to all teachers and administrators in Santee School District. Our philosophy is to serve and assist teachers so they can serve and assist students.

The Assessment Department services the following curricular areas: language arts, English language development, mathematics, history-social science, science, physical education, family life, character education, and the visual and performing arts. Through instructional and materials support, we are determined to move all students toward achieving proficiency in the California standards. Curriculum management, alignment, mapping, and pacing are areas we offer support through yearly professional development goals.

The assessment division supports teachers by providing trimester district assessments in writing, language arts, and mathematics. These assessments benchmark student learning toward achieving proficiency in those contents. This division also manages State testing, which occurs every May for students grades 3 - 8.

Please feel free to contact our department if you have any questions. Our department secretary can be reached at 619-258-2358.

Kevin Fairchild Headshot

Kevin Fairchild
Director of Assessment and Learning Support
[email protected]


Lorraine Ayala
Program Secretary