The Santee School District Board of Education met at 6 p.m. July 18, 2023. Meeting highlights included:
Discussion and Action Items
- Dale Scott & Company, Inc. (“DS&C”) specializes in serving California K-14 school district clients by addressing funding problems with innovative and practical solutions. DS&C has provided advisory services to the District for continuing financial disclosures for existing debt. DS&C provided the Board of Education information on debt management strategies and financing options for capital improvement projects.
- In accordance with regulations imposed by Senate Bill 858, the Santee School District must report on certain elements pertaining to its projected reserves:
- The District’s calculated minimum required Reserve for 2023-24 is $2,890,548.69.
- The amount of the assigned and unassigned fund balances that exceed the minimum required reserve amount is $5,888,942.87.
- The reasons for the District maintaining an assigned and unassigned fund balance in excess of the minimum required reserve amount are:
- To provide an economic uncertainty reserve that ensures adequate cash flow and cushions against state revenue declines;
- To provide a reserve for projected and potential cost increases;
- To set-aside funds for technology replenishment and replacement;
- To set-aside funds for future instructional materials adoptions and purchases.
- A listing of the specific amounts set-aside for each of the aforementioned items is posted on the District’s website.
Board Policies and Bylaws
- First readings for revised Board Policies:
- BP 6152 – CLASS ASSIGNMENT: Policy updated to call for the use of multiple objective academic measures when assigning students to appropriate courses and classes, consistent with SB 359.
- BP 6179 – SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION: Policy updated to reflect current law requiring the provision of remedial instruction to students who are recommended for retention or are identified as being at risk for retention. The policy also deletes reference to federal Title I program improvement which is no longer operational, and clarifies that schools identified for comprehensive or targeted school improvement may, but are not required to, offer supplemental instruction.
- BP 6154 – HOMEWORK/MAKEUP WORK: District leadership will work with credentialed staff and advisory parents to review proposed updates. This item will be brought back to a future meeting for Board review.
The meeting was adjourned in memory of Mrs. Sandra Olson, a former Santee School District employee of nearly 20 years and a beloved member of the East County community.
The next meeting of the Santee School District Board of Education will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, August 1, 2023, in the Educational Resource Center, 9619 Cuyamaca, Santee.
Note: These are not official meeting minutes of the Board of Education but rather a brief recap of the Board’s actions. For official meeting minutes and a complete list of actions taken, click here.