The State has released the 2023 California School Dashboard (Dashboard), which reports on performance and progress from the 2022-23 school year. The Dashboard reports on the following areas:
- Academic Indicators
- English language arts/literacy (ELA)
- Mathematics
- English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI)
- Chronic Absenteeism Indicator
- Suspension Rate Indicator
For the first time since 2019, the color code system for visualizing maintained or improved performance has been reintroduced into the Dashboard. Colors on the Dashboard are determined based on a combination of current year performance and the change in performance from the year prior. Dashboard colors are best explained in this Ed Source article.
Overall our students have increased scores from the prior school year and scored above State and Countywide averages in ELA and Math, moving the district in a positive direction. While there are areas that we will continue to work on, Santee School District is the only district in East County San Diego that is “in the green” for the ELA, Mathematics, and English Learner Progress indicators.
“During and after the pandemic our district was focused on the academic and emotional success of our students, maintaining an alignment of all student tasks and outcomes to State academic standards,” said Superintendent, Dr. Kristin Baranski. “The results highlighted on this year’s Dashboard exemplify the hard work of our Board of Education, students, staff, and families as everyone has remained focused and engaged as we have all navigated schooling during and after the pandemic.”
The Dashboard results provide valuable information to educators about the effectiveness of learning acceleration efforts and other programs implemented to support student success. We will utilize these results and other data collected from our schools, like progress reports, student work, and teacher feedback, to create a more detailed picture of strengths as well as areas of opportunity.
To view Santee School District’s Dashboard, click here.