The San Diego County Office of Education Credentials Department is the local agency that provides the following services to school districts, charter schools, universities and individuals:
- Out of State Trained Teachers
- Child Development Permits
- Substitute Teaching Permits
- English Learner Authorizations
- Designated Subjects Teaching Credentials
- Temporary County Certificates
- Registering Credentials
- Live Scan fingerprinting services
- Certificate of Clearance
All certificated staff must have their California credential registered with the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) in order to have a paycheck issued through the SDCOE database (PeopleSoft). If you need to register your credential with SDCOE, please call at 858-292-3581. Using your social security number and date of birth a credential technician will locate your credential at the CTC website and record it in the SDCOE database.
SDCOE - Induction Information
SDCOE - Added Authorization Program
SDCOE - CSET Preparation Program
SDCOE - Information for Teachers Trained Out of State