Custom Mobile App

Santee School District Custom Mobile App

Instrucciones en Español

Instructions in Arabic


Santee School District has launched an official mobile app designed to enable parents, staff, students, and the broader community to stay informed and up-to-date on important issues, information, and activities underway within the school community.


App Setup:

  1. After you have downloaded and installed the app, you will be prompted to allow notifications. Select YES to receive notifications from the District Office and school(s).

  2. To complete the app setup, select "Start Setup" and turn ON the school(s) that your student(s) is or will be attending. You will only receive notifications from the school(s) you have selected. By default, the District Office is ON.

  3. Please note that you can always change your school selection from the mobile app SETTINGS. 

  4. Once your app setup is completed, you will be prompted to load new contents. Select YES. Whenever, the District updates the app content, you will be prompted with this question. Always select YES to get the latest app contents. 


For Android Users: Once you have downloaded the app from Google Play, you will be prompted to grant the app access to certain information and functions on your device. This is a completely standard part of many apps and is necessary to make sure your data is secure and that the app stays up to date with the latest school information.

  • Identity: The app needs to access the account profile data on your device in order to receive push notifications from the school

  • Calendar: Calendar permission allows you to download events from the school(s), which is an essential part of our app

  • Photos/Media/Files: This permission allows the app to store and display images and PDF files directly on your device for easy access.