2023-24 Local Control Accountability (LCAP) Development Process
Administration and staff will obtain and catalogue input from various educational partners and assemble data for the development of the Annual LCAP for the 2023-24 fiscal year.
LCAP Annual Review Meeting
The LCAP 2023 Executive Summary was presented at the Annual Review virtual meeting on February 28, 2023. Click here to watch the presentation.
The LCAP 2023 Executive Summary will be presented at the following meetings for parent, community, and staff input:
LCAP Documents
2023 LCAP Draft Comments from the DAC Meeting
The 2023 LCAP draft was presented at the DAC meeting on May 11, 2023. DAC Questions/Responses.
2023 LCAP Draft Comments from DELAC Meeting
The 2023 LCAP draft was presented at the DELAC meeting on May 22, 2023. DELAC Questions/Responses.
Please share your feedback!
Once you have reviewed the Executive Summary, please share your input and feedback to help shape the development of the final LCAP.