The Santee School District Board of Education met at 6 p.m. October 3, 2023. Meeting highlights included:
Reports and Presentations
- Spotlight on Education: Sycamore Canyon. Sycamore Canyon staff presented an update on student assessment and survey results from the 2022-23 school year. School staff also shared student academic and climate and culture goals for the 2023-24 school year.
- At the September 19 meeting, Board Policy 4119.24 – Classroom Learning Environment was adopted. In the adoption of this policy, the Board provided direction to the Superintendent on next steps in creating District provided décor that celebrates the diverse backgrounds and identities of our students and staff.
Dr. Kristin Baranski, Superintendent, presented a draft of the “We All Belong” poster for grade 5 – 8 classrooms. This poster was created in collaboration with staff and a parent representative and was also reviewed for additional input by the Communication Board Advisory Committee on October 2, 2023.
Discussion and Action Items
- The Board of Education adopted Resolution No. 2324-06 declaring October 9-13, 2023, as Week of the School Administrator. Research has repeatedly shown that quality school leadership is essential to student success. There is no better time to honor the school site leaders who make our schools great than during Week of the School Administrator.
Santee School District would like to honor and recognize our outstanding school site leadership, consisting of nine (9) principals and nine (9) vice-principals. Our school site leaders work very hard to provide exceptional educational leadership at their schools. Executive Council would like to join with the Board of Education to honor the school site leaders during the dedicated week and show appreciation for the passion and value they bring to public education. Staff and parents are be encouraged to do the same. Read the resolution here.
- The Board of Education approved the Student Behavioral Health Incentive Program agreement and $2.7M budget allocation with San Diego County Office of Education serving as the Third-Party Administrator for the SBHIP grant. The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) Student Behavioral Health Incentive Program (SBHIP) is a three-year program (January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2024).
The purpose of the SBHIP funding, according to DHCS, is to:
- Break down silos and improve coordination of child and adolescent student behavioral health services through increased communication with schools, school affiliated programs, managed care providers, counties, and mental healthproviders.
- Increase the number of TK-12 students enrolled in Medi-Cal receiving behavioral health services through schools, school-affiliated providers, county behavioral health departments, and county offices of education.
- Increase non-specialty services on or near school campuses.
- Address health equity gaps, inequalities, and disparities in access to behavioral health services.
San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) is the Third-Party Administrator (TPA) for the Managed Care Providers (MCPs) for SBHIP. The term of the agreement with SDCOE, for administrative oversight of funds, is from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025.
Board Policies and Bylaws
- The Board adopted Revised Board Policy (BP): BP 6162.51 – State Academic Achievement Tests.
- The Board held a first hearing for Revised Board Policy: BP 5131.1 – Bus Conduct: Mandated policy revised to contain an updated section regarding surveillance systems, including language requiring the district to provide notification of the use of surveillance systems on buses and the inclusion of audio recording on school buses.
The next meeting of the Santee School District Board of Education will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, October 17, 2023, in the Educational Resource Center, 9619 Cuyamaca, Santee. Meetings can also be live-streamed at
Note: These are not official meeting minutes of the Board of Education but rather a brief recap of the Board’s actions. For official meeting minutes and a complete list of actions taken, click here.