Board of Education Meeting Highlights Sep. 6, 2022

The Santee School District Board of Education met at 6 p.m. Tuesday, September 6. Meeting highlights included:
Reports and Presentations
- This week’s Proud Moment covered the success of the first two weeks of school. Read President Elana Levens-Craig full blog here.
- Dr. Stephanie Pierce, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, and Bonner Montler, Director of Assessment and Learning Support, provided a brief overview of the 2022 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) results and next steps in the District’s continuous improvement cycle.
Discussion and Action Items
- Dr. Kristin Baranski outlined the various actions to improve student and staff safety on school campuses. including: policy updates, facilities improvements, annual trainings, and student well-being initiatives. The Santee Sheriff’s Department was also present to discuss their partnership with the District.
- The regular meetings of the Board of Education are scheduled for the first and third Tuesdays of each month. In observance of Erev Yom Kippur, the October meetings were scheduled on the second and third Tuesday. Since the adoption of the 2022 meeting calendar in December, Administration has determined there is no need to hold two consecutive meetings and the Board approved the motion to cancel the October 11 meeting. The regularly scheduled meeting for October will be held on October 18, 2022.
- State Law requires the Board of Education to submit its annual financial results to the County Office of Education (COE) by September 15 of each year. The financial results for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022 are summarized in the District’s 2021-22 Unaudited Actuals Report. This report includes all required State forms and schedules. The District’s 2021-22 Unaudited Actuals are submitted and reviewed by the County Office of Education (“COE”) in accordance with State law. The District expects an opinion letter on the District’s Unaudited Actuals Report from the COE sometime in September. Additionally, the Unaudited Actuals are subject to audit by the District’s independent auditor. The auditor’s opinion is due in December. Administration provided a brief report highlighting financial results for the 2021-22 fiscal year and the updated Multi-Year Projection, and the Board approved the 2021-22 Unaudited Actuals with all required State forms.
- The Board authorized the purchase of two (2) electric school busses for a total cost that exceeds the Volkswagen Mitigation Trust Grants. On November 2, 2021, the Board of Education authorized acceptance of two (2) grants from the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust (“VW Trust”) for up to $400,000 each, for a total of $800,000, to purchase two (2) electric busses. At the time, it was thought the grants would fully cover the cost of the busses. Since that time, the cost of the two busses has increased to $447,756.23 and $446,014.85. This means the District will need to pay $93,771.08 for the busses after the grant covers $800,000.
- The Board approved an agreement with Sage Energy Consulting to provide consulting and advisory services to the District for development of a fleet electrification strategic plan and to provide assistance with construction and implementation of charging infrastructure.
- Santee School District and the Santee School Teachers Association (STA) have reached a Tentative Agreement for the 2021-2022 school year concerning the following Articles:
o Article XIII, Hours of Employment
o Article XVI, Employee Benefits
STA membership ratified the tentative agreements on August 24, 2022. The negotiated language for each article can be viewed in the Board Meeting packet. The fiscal impact of Article XVI, Employee Benefits is represented below:
o Increase the District contribution to employee health benefits from $9,000 annually to $12,000 annually
The Board voted to ratify the tentative agreements between Santee School District and the Santee Teachers Association (STA).
- A first reading was held for the below Board Policies, which were revised to conform with California School Board Association language:
o Revised BP 3515 – Campus Security
o New AR 3515 – Campus Security
o Revised BP 6173 – Education for Homeless Children
The next meeting of the Santee School District Board of Education will be at 6 p.m. Tuesday, September 20, 2022, in the Educational Resource Center, 9619 Cuyamaca, Santee.
Note: These are not official meeting minutes of the Board of Education but rather a brief recap of the Board’s actions. For official meeting minutes and a complete list of actions taken, visit