Educational Services

Educational Services


AssessmentCurriculumEnglish LearnersExpanded Learning ProgramsHealth ServicesInstructional TechnologyRegistrationSpecial EducationTechnology Services

Welcome to Educational Services!

Our department goal is to ensure a coherent and viable core curriculum that embeds ongoing monitoring of student learning for all. Our mission is to bring together all staff to improve learning by delivering effective instruction and interventions to all students by using best professional practices and insisting that we do what is best, necessary, and right for all students-the right work at the right time.

The Educational Services department supports all curricular areas. Through research-based curriculum and instruction delivery models, we are determined to prepare students for the 21st century. In coordination with the assessment department, we support curriculum alignment, pacing of instruction, and identifying timely, systematic and targeted support for all learners. Lastly, we support developing a Professional Learning Community (PLC) that embraces developing a collaborative culture throughout the school district with a focus on learning and results.

Staff development is paramount to what improves learning for all in schools. This site will provide real time staff development through photo galleries from classroom environment to student work examples and videotaping of effective instruction within our schools. 

Dr. Lisa Paisley HeadshotDr. Lisa Paisley

Assistant Superintendent
Educational Services




Stephanie Borden Headshot Stephanie Borden

Executive Assistant




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