October 14 – October 25, 2024
Open Enrollment is an annual period where employees can change, add, or drop coverage for themselves and/or their dependents. Please take a moment to review the Employee Benefits website and learn more about our specific benefit plans. Employees who wish to make changes to their benefits plans will need to log into Benefitfocus by 0ctober 25, 2024. After this enrollment period you will NOT be able to make any changes to your benefits enrollments until Open Enrollment for the 2026 plan year (excluding IRS Qualifying Life Events). Changes made during Open Enrollment will be effective January 1, 2025.
What are the medical plan changes for 2025?
We are continuing with the CSEBA Marketplace with the current carriers (Kaiser and Blue Shield). We will continue to offer 21 different plans to choose from. Please see the Employee Benefits Guide for details.
Important! the FSA contribution limits for 2025 have not yet been released by the IRS. The Employee Benefits Guide will be updated once the new limits are released.
Where do I go to select my benefits for next year?
You must log in to Benefitfocus to view and/or edit your coverage. You may either:
- Download the mobile application for Apple or Android Devices. Once you download it from the App Store, you will need to enter the code santeesdbenefits.
- You may log in to Benefitfocus using an internet browser.
Can I add my spouse and/or kids to my benefits?
Of course! You may add dependents to your medical and dental coverage. A qualified dependent is:
- A spouse
- A dependent child UNDER age 26 (biological, step, or adopted)
- A disabled adult child
You will need to verify dependent status in Benefitfocus by uploading either:
- The front page of your 2023 tax return with all dependents listed (NO financial information needed)
- A marriage license
- A birth certificate
Can I waive my medical coverage?
Yes, you may waive medical coverage ONLY, with proof of other current coverage. Dental, vision, and life are mandatory enrollments. To waive medical, please select the "Waive Medical" option in Benefitfocus under medical coverage. You will need to provide verification of your current medical coverage WITH the effective date shown. You will be requested to upload your medical coverage verification after you make your selections in Benefitfocus.
What if I do not want to make any changes for my benefit enrollments for 2025?
Employees who do not wish to make changes to their current medical plan will NOT need to log in to Benefitfocus. The current Medical plan will continue through 2025.
How do I cancel a voluntary plan that I no longer want and/or need?
Please download and complete the Voluntary Plan Cancellation Form and email it to [email protected].
I need some help with choosing a benefit plan or using Benefitfocus. Can I meet with someone in person?
You may schedule an appointment to discuss your benefits by contacting Lindsay Meyer at (619) 258-2313.
Will flu shots be offered again this year?
Yes! A flu shot clinic will be provided at the annual Health Fair on Thursday, October 17th from 2:00 - 4:30 p.m. The Health Fair will be held at the District Office Educational Resource Center.
Click HEREto view the 2025 Open Enrollment Presentation!