Medical Plans

Employees may choose from either an HMO or High Deductible plan from one of the following carriers:

  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Blue Shield of California

Please click on the links below to view the specific coverage details for each plan. You will also find important contact information for each carrier, as well as the information to help find a physician within each network.

Blue Shield

Kaiser Permanente

Blue Shield Access + HMO Platinum

Blue Shield Access + HMO Gold

Blue Shield Access + HMO Silver

Blue Shield Access + HMO Bronze

Blue Shield PPO Gold

Blue Shield PPO Silver

Blue Shield Trio HMO Platinum

Blue Shield Trio HMO Gold

Blue Shield Trio HMO Silver

Blue Shield Trio HMO Bronze

Blue Shield Tandem PPO Gold

Blue Shield Tandem PPO Silver

Kaiser HMO Platinum

Kaiser HMO Gold

Kaiser HMO Silver

Kaiser HMO Bronze

Blue Shield High Deductible/H.S.A. PPO Silver Alternate

Blue Shield High Deductible/H.S.A PPO Bronze

Blue Shield High Deductible/H.S.A. PPO Tandem Silver Alternate

Blue Shield High Deductible/H.S.A. PPO Tandem Bronze

Kaiser High Deductible/H.S.A. Plan

Blue Shield Concierge Services

(Advice line, appointments, etc.)

(855) 724-7698

Kaiser Permanente Member Services

(800) 464-4000

Appointment Center

(800) 290-5000

After-hours Advice Line

(888) 576-6225

Amplify Hearing Aid Benefit Summary

Amplify Hearing Aid Benefit FAQ

Customer Service: 1-866-956-5400

Chiropractic & Acupuncture Benefit Summary

(up to 30 combined visits per year)

 Find an ASH Participating Provider near you:

  • Go to or
  • Call 1-800-678-9133 Monday - Friday, from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific time.