Guidelines For Keeping Your Child Home
The following criteria will be used as guidelines for keeping your child home when ill:
1. A temperature of 100 degrees F
-Students that are sent home due to fever should remain home until 24 hours past the last fever without the use of fever reducing medications (Motrin, Tylenol). If your child had a fever overnight or in the morning, please DO NOT give him/her Tylenol/Motrin and then SEND THEM TO SCHOOL! If he/she has had a fever prior to the start of school please keep him/her home to prevent the spread of germs.

2. A cold accompanied by:
a. Sneezing, runny nose, coughing, congestion, temperature >100F
b. Use of PRN medications (Tylenol, Motrin, Albuterol etc....)
c. Change in condition of student's health status
d. Green drainage or sputum
3. Vomiting
a. Coffee ground emesis, projectile vomiting, large amounts or frequent small amounts
b. Frank blood in emesis or emesis occurring after a fall necessitates an emergency and prompt evaluation by a doctor
4. Loose watery stools:
∗Students may return to school when they have formed stools, eating a regular diet and have no temperature
a. Students will be observed after the first two watery stools and sent home after the third if no other symptoms are present and student appears to be in no discomfort.
b. If there are other symptoms present student will be sent home after the second watery stool.
c. If diarrhea persists on a daily basis student may return to school if they have a written statement from their Health Care Provider (HCP) that no viral, bacteriological, or parasitic condition exists.
d. If student has a medical condition or food intolerance that causes them to have loose stools a written note from their HCP will be required. If they have no note then we will have to use the above guidelines.
e. Students that are sent home for loose stools may return to school 24 hours past their last loose stool without the use of medication (Pepto-Bismol etc...)
5. Seizures of a significant magnitude or frequency that inhibits/interferes with the ability to continue with school program
All students at the school with known seizure disorders must have an active seizure action plan on file.
6. Contagious disease that is not under treatment or a non specific rash (chicken pox, shingles, scabies, lice etc....)
a. Impetigo and ringworm are allowed in school if under medical treatment and student allows site to be covered.
b. Any child with a fever accompanied with a rash should stay home.
c. Fever Blisters-any student who has open blisters, mouth sores, keeps their fingers/hands in their mouth or mouth toys that are shared by other students should be excluded from school and should not return until lesions/blisters are dry and they have no temperature
7. Other medical concerns (pneumonia, persistent coughing with copious amounts of thick yellow/green sputum or any other distress noted) will be at the nurse/principal discretion.
Post surgical or students that have been hospitalized or been to the ER can return to school upon written order from the attending physician.
*Please keep your child home if they are feeling tired, not acting like themselves or showing any possible signs of flu like symptoms.
Please help us stop the spread of germs.
Please remember: Students should remain home until they are symptom free for 24 hours.